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Iconic, unique, fresh, a definitive new horror
Mr_PCM27 February 2006
Scream With the countless number of teen slasher movies doing the rounds, it is too easy to watch scream and see simply another school serial killer movie that has just rolled off the factory production line. However, it was Wes Craven's 'Scream' that started the whole revival of the horror genre and re-invented the teen horror. Through no fault of its own, but rather a succession of bland rip-offs, not to mention a very successful spoof (Scary Movie), Scream's original impact has been severely dulled. Were Scream released today it would no doubt be moderately successful but would be instantly forgettable. But back in 1996 the teen horror market was wide open. The teenagers of the 90s were bored of traditional horror movies featuring haunted houses, vampires or deformed monsters. They had seen them all. So Wes Craven, having reinvigorated the horror genre once before with 'Nightmare on Elm Street', set out to do it again. This time, along with Kevin Williamson, who would go on to be creator of Dawson's Creek, created a new kind of horror – one that you could laugh at as well as scream at.

What made Scream so successful is that it was never patronising, and displayed a strong sense of ironic self-awareness. It took every horror cliché in the book and turned them upside down. For the kids that had seen too many movies, there was now a movie for them. The characters did not follow the clichés, but in fact talked about them, and talked about what would happen if they were in a movie. This sense of irony may seem tired now, but when Scream came out it was new and exciting. There was rarely a need to scream 'don't go upstairs' or suchlike in Scream, because the characters themselves were saying that! The idea of the killer being amongst the students adds a fresh dimension to the film, as fear gives way to paranoia at not being able to trust anyone. The subversions of the accepted horror clichés, in particular in the opening ten minutes (I'm not going to give anything away for those who have not seen it) also contribute to making Scream a truly shocking movie. It was this sense of innovation that made Scream such a breath of fresh air for the horror genre, and it is only a shame that Craven's genius has been ripped off so many times that his work has dated far too quickly. Craven and Williamson have also created a new horror star – but it was not a particular character but just a costume with an iconic mask. The Scream mask has become just as symbolic, perhaps even more so, than that of Michael Myers or Jason Vorhees.

For any serious horror movie fans, Scream is essential viewing, if only to witness the film that started it all. The 'movie within a movie' idea was terrific, and would be taken even further in the sequel. The frequent references to classic horror movies, and reversals of accepted horror clichés, especially in the opening ten minutes) are also fun to watch out for. There is even a wonderful moment where one boy climbs in the bedroom window of his girlfriend – a scene that would be taken and used as one of the foundation for Williamson's successful teen series Dawson's Creek.

The iconic mask, the one-liners, and the unique self-awareness when it comes to horror clichés make Scream a true original – accept no imitations.
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Hate To Admit It, But It's Great
MadReviewer9 May 2001
There's more than a few reasons to hate `Scream'; the main reason would be that the film single-handedly resurrected the teen-slasher genre, a movie category that had long been beaten to death. Because of the success of `Scream', witless horror crap like `I Know What You Did Last Summer' and `Urban Legend' got greenlighted, half the teenage casts of various WB television shows got summer acting jobs, and some awful scripts that should've been left dead and buried `Teaching Mrs. Tingle' got to see the light of day. `Scream' is responsible for a lot of garbage. But the truth of the matter is, `Scream' is also a phenomenal movie.

The plot of `Scream' is very simple: a masked knife-wielding maniac is busy stalking the students of High, killing them off one by one. The killer's inordinately obsessed with one girl, Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell), who of course gets involved in the quest to unmask the killer. The catch (in case you don't already know it), though, is brilliant. Everyone in the film is familiar with all the slasher film conventions. They know that you shouldn't walk in the woods alone at night. They know that having wild sex is an unwritten invitation to be hacked to pieces. They know not to say things to each other like `I'm going outside for a cigarette; I'll be right back.' -- such statements are virtual death warrants. One of the best examples (and best characters) of this is Randy (Jamie Kennedy), the film-obsessed nut of the film, who actually goes so far as to muse what `real' actors and actresses should play the other characters in the film, going so far as to joke about who gets to be Tori Spelling. All the dumb conventions of slasher films are pulled out of the shadows, exposed for what they really are . . . and then, some of them get used anyway, because the characters willingly choose to ignore those conventions. Some cliches are thrown away, while others are embraced. `Scream' really turned the horror/slasher film genre on its ear, becoming the first truly suspenseful and exciting slasher film in many, many years simply because it suddenly had a million new avenues to explore. The film's self-awareness allowed to move in brand-new directions . . . and suddenly, scenes that used to be predictable in other slasher films suddenly become incredibly intense in `Scream'.

Director Wes Craven was perfect for this film -- as director of slasher classics like `Nightmare On Elm Street', he easily sets the visual feels and style of film to perfect evoke all the slasher films of yore . . . and then, much like `Scream's' script, chooses to either faithfully follow the tried and true, or to go off in competely unexpected directions. Either way, Craven manages to create a lot of absolutely nail-biting, thrilling scenes. He also doesn't hold back with the gore, which is always a plus in great slasher films. The acting ranges from barely mediocre to good -- Neve Campbell's okay as Sidney; Courtney Cox is pretty good as tart-tongued reporter Gail Weathers; Jamie Kennedy rules as Randy the film geek; and David Arquette is utterly bland and forgettable as Deputy Dewey Riley, the sad-sack policeman. But casts in slasher films don't particularly matter anyway; the good ones are all about suspense, terror, and gore. And in `Scream', Wes Craven provides massive amounts of all three of those criteria.

The irony is, `Scream' spawned dozens of imitators, and by spawning imitators, all the new avenues opened up by `Scream' quickly got old and boring once more. Still, purely on its own merit, it's an excellent film. The best slasher film of all time is still John Carpenter's `Halloween', without question, but `Scream' actually runs a close second. It's well worth watching. Grade: A-
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Clever, scary and funny - a must-see for horror fans
MaxBorg8913 April 2007
Making a brilliant, original horror film is pretty hard these days, since practically everything has already been told, and more than once. Using that premise, director Wes Craven and screenwriter Kevin Williamson came up with Scream, whose cleverness derives from the fact that it knows every single stereotype of the genre and satirizes them.

Take the opening sequence, for example: a young girl (Drew Barrymore) is making popcorn and waiting for her boyfriend when she suddenly receives a phone call. Normally, this would be a huge clichè, only this time the killer decides to play a little game (horror film quiz, naturally) with his victim. In fact, the only reason why he kills her is that she gave the wrong answer to one of his questions (those who haven't seen Friday 13th might want to skip that bit, as it spoils said movie's ending). That scene is both very scary (the murder is quite graphic and disturbing) and at the same time funny (it tests the characters', and the audience's, knowledge of the horror genre), and the rest of the film continues in the same vein: after the first killing, the masked psychopath starts disposing of other teenagers in the town of Woodsboro using the same technique. One of the targets is Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell), whose mother was raped and killed the year before. This implies the killer might be the same, but who could it be? Sidney's distant father? Her mother's lover (Liev Schreiber)? Or some random guy, with no motive at all?

Fortunately, it is not the last category: this murderer has a motive and a plausible identity as well. But it isn't the payoff that makes Scream interesting; it's how Craven and Williamson get to it, by outlining the genre's conventions (some of which were actually invented by the director himself) and using them in a clever, if self-referential, way. The point of the movie is, the more you know of this kind of films (pay attention to the rules, stated by geeky film buff Randy), the more chances you have to survive (although you must take into account that the killer has seen the same movies). The in-jokes that would ruin other films are the very cause of Scream's success, with memorable scenes such as the villain mimicking the movie his victims are watching or Craven's unmissable cameo as a janitor wearing Freddy Krueger's outfit (not to mention priceless lines like "Movies don't create psychos, movies make psychos more creative!").

In other words, Scream is a smart, effective horror film, which manages to amuse and scare in equal measures. Definitely worth watching, even if the two sequels (especially Scream 3) don't really match the original's intelligence and, forgive the expression, originality.
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The best teenage horror slasher film in the 90's my all time personal favorite in the horror genre
ivo-cobra818 February 2018
Scream is the best teenage horror slasher film in the 90's and it is my all time personal favorite film in the horror genre. I love this film I always did and I love to death! It was really the first movie that introduced me in to "horror" genre slasher films. It was directed from my favorite horror master Wes Craven and written by Kevin Williamson. It is a horror mystery like was Friday the 13th and April Fool's Day. Scream deserve legendary status. The movie spawned three sequels and the TV series that I did like. Neve Campbell, David Arquette and Courteney Cox and Rose McGowan work for me. It is about a high school teenage student in the fictional town of Woodsboro, California, who becomes the target of a mysterious killer known as Ghostface who kills teens and who uses his obsession with scary movies. The first one is the best in the series and it is still one of the best horror films of all time.

Wes Craven borrowed and used Halloween, Friday the 13th and A Nightmare On Elm Street mostly scenes for this movie. It mentions a lot of cult classic horror movies and till it's day it is still praised by fans. I enjoy this film I always do. This is my movie and my personal opinion! Scream follows the teenage girl Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell) who becomes targeted by a psychotic killer dressed in a ghostface mask who uses his obsession with scary movies. David Arquette plays police deputy, Dewey Riley who helps protect Sidney and Courtney Cox plays tabloid reporter, Gale Weathers. This is one of Craven's best along with "A Nightmare on Elm Street" that redefined the genre and Ghostface has become another popular slasher since. "What's Your Favorite Scary Movie?" Ghostface is one of the most popular and really scary character. The mask is so scary before new year on Halloween day I saw the mask putted on a front seat in the car and i was so scared, I thought it was the killer waiting on me but it was only a mask but a scary one.

The Story begins after two high school students are murdered by the serial killer. Sidney Prescott becomes next victim of intelligent serial killer, Gale Weathers reporter and journalist is shure that serial killer is the same person who murdered Sidney's mother one year ago and now he's terrorizing Sidney her self. Deputy Sheriff Dewey wants to investigate the murders by himself, but attractive Gale seduced and confused him, so it's up to Sidney to find the killer, before he kills again to find the truth, she will must kill. I love also the characters: Matthew Lillard as Stu Macher, Rose McGowan as Tatum Riley and Jamie Kennedy as Randy Meeks. Great story and great soundtracks. I watch this movie thirty times and is still the best, I watch with my mom as a teen good times. I love the script the dialogues in this movie, I love Drew Barrymore as Casey Becker in here.

10/10 Scream deserves a legendary status it is my personal favorite horror slasher film from Wes Craven in the franchise. I have the whole collection on Blu-ray discs and I have the first three movies on VHS tapes. I love this film to death I love it!
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A classic
DylanCanonge21 June 2019
With Scream (1996), Wes Craven re-invented & revitalised the slasher genre with this modern horror classic, Scream is funny, clever & scary, as a fright-masked knife maniac stalks high-school students. A beautiful love letter to horror movies that came before it. A truly classic horror film. What a genius Wes Craven was. Brilliant film making. Defines 90s horror.
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Scary, funny and clever – the best Scream movie by miles
bob the moo1 April 2002
Almost a year after someone raped and killed Sidney Prescott's mother in the small town of Woodsboro, someone is killing teenagers. When Sidney herself becomes a target, the link is apparent and her missing father is a suspect. However, as with all good scary movies, everyone is a suspect.

The film that sparked the revival of horror movies (Halloween H2O, I know what you did last summer, Urban Legend etc all followed…..thanks a lot!). This stands out from all those (and it's lackluster sequels) by being really good and clever. The story is nothing more than the standard slasher plot – but it avoids the cliches quite well. In fact it uses the cliches as references and makes plenty of jokey references to other movies and the supposed rules of horror movies – we even have a quick flash of a caretaker dressed in Freddy's jumper and hat!

That doesn't mean it's not scary – it is! From the tragically horrible opening 10 minutes through each gory killing the tension is high and the shocks are real. The plot twists nicely and the ending is much better than most slasher movies (including the absurd endings of 2 and 3). This manages to be fresh, clever and scary – getting by any sticking moments with it's tongue in it's cheek.

The cats are good – Campbell is a believable virgin, scarred by what happened to her mother – before she starts turning into Buffy the vampire slayer in parts 2 and 3. Cox is excellent playing against type and David Arquette is funny as the Deputy Sheriff. Kennedy as Randy is also funny as the movie geek – in fact he remains the highlight of the next 2 films. The cast being filled of up and coming faces (including Ulrich) makes it even more thrilling when the `wrong' people get killed, technically all the cast are `unknowns' who usually make up the body count, so really anyone can potentially get offed.

Overall funny black comedy, scary thrills and gory excitement. A rare treat – a really good teen horror movie
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For me an inventive mixed bag, but there's more good than not
runamokprods15 October 2014
I've gone back and forth in my feelings about "Scream" both times I've seen it, almost 20 years ago when it opened, and just now There are times when its meta-parody- but–still-scary approach to teen slasher films works quite well, especially the ending which manages to be funny, scary, over the top, and socially witty all at the same time. Other times it's too self conscious to actually be scary, but not surprising enough in its humor to really be as much fun as it could be.

It's also a hard film to criticize, because the answer to almost every complaint (e.g. the actors playing high school kids all look like they're well into in their 20s) can always be 'but that's the whole point, it's always that way in these movies'. But one thing that does annoy me that isn't so easily shrugged off is that the cast seem to be in a number of different movies. Skeet Ulrich, for example, brings a surprising amount of realism and depth to his character, while Courtney Cox as an 'I'll do anything for a story' reporter plays a cartoon of a cartoon. This isn't of issue of 'good' versus 'bad' acting, but it does make figuring out just what the tone of the film is, more muddy than it needs to be.

Probably the best thing about 'Scream' is it knows when to BE best. The opening and closing 15 minutes are the two strongest sections of the film, so if the middle is a little all over the place and sometimes repetitive, and a little more obvious in it's humor, that's not what you walk away remembering.
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Single-Handedly Revived the Slasher Genre
reeceicy8 January 2022
Scream single-handedly revitalized the slasher genre, which was beyond dead as of 1996, and inspired countless spin-offs and attempted remakes in its wake. Wes Craven creates yet another horror masterpiece, and does so in an original and unique way. Add in the witty, self aware, reference-filled script by Kevin Williamson, which was rumored to have taken influence from Friday the 13th Pt 6, and you have one of the most iconic slashers ever made. Arguably the greatest opening scene to a horror movie ever, along with so many more iconic lines and scenes (Randy watching Halloween on the couch). The acting is next level by horror/slasher standards and has a very likable cast. Skeet Ulrich giving his best performance of his career, Matthew Lillard, Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox, Drew Barrymore ... do i need to go on? The influence and impact Scream had on the late 90's is undeniable, simply one of the best scary movies of all time.
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robh28 July 1998
Before I criticise, I'll first say that I enjoyed this film and think it is worth recommending, but...

I wish someone would make a film that's as scary as the first ten minutes or so of Scream. The scenes involving Drew Barrymore were by far the best part of the film. The rest (on reflection) was a bit like a grown-ups version of Scooby Doo.

If you want to calibrate my taste (and lack of), I prefer Wes' "People Under the Stairs". Enjoy the black comedy.
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One of the coolest and more original horror movies I've ever seen
Xophianic6 February 2000
I thoroughly enjoyed SCREAM. I haven't seen too many horror movies that struck me as great, especially since most of them are the same. I like THE SIXTH SENSE, THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT and SCREAM for the same reason, they are more original than the default horror flick.

Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell) is still mourning the death of her mother, who died nearly one year ago. She seems very distant, even from her best friend Tatum Riley (Rose McGowan) and her boyfriend Billy Loomis (Skeet Ulrich). She, and most everyone else, thought that the killer was already behind bars. But when people close to Sidney start to get killed, Sidney realizes the the killer is still at large. Deputy Dewey Riley (David Arquette) is there to protect Sidney and reporter Gale Weathers (Courteney Cox) is there to get the scoop.

I think the plot of this movie is very interesting and fun. The best part of it is that the killer does his murders in the style of horror movies. The rules of horror movies are often referred to and horror movies are even spoofed fairly often as well.

The actors do a very good job. Neve Campbell is excellent as the primary target/victim and main character of this movie. David Arquette does a fair job as the inexperienced cop (but not as good as in the sequel) and Courtney Cox does a great job as the bitch reporter. Drew Barrymore did very good in her very brief part as Casey Becker. Jamie Kennedy does an OK job as Randy Meeks, the movie expert (but again, not as good as in the sequel). Roger Jackson is the best possible choice for the phone voice and Henry Winkler had a great cameo.

The character development in this movie is good. You'll probably often yell "Look behind you, moron" or "Get out of the room, idiot" at your TV, which this movie is probably going for. Sidney is the most interesting character, with Dewey and and Gale at a close second.

I was surprised that I found Scream 2 to be even better than Scream was. But both are really good. Go out and buy them.
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One Of Craven's Best!
gwnightscream19 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Neve Campbell, David Arquette, Courteney Cox, Skeet Ulrich, Matthew Lillard, Rose McGowan, Jamie Kennedy and Drew Barrymore star in Wes Craven's 1996 horror film. Sidney Prescott (Campbell) is a teenage girl who lives in Woodsboro, California with her father and is trying to get over the death of her mother murdered a year before. She also has a boyfriend, Billy Loomis (Ulrich) and friends, Randy Meeks (Kennedy), Tatum Riley (McGowan) and Stu Macher (Lillard) who's also Tatum's boyfriend. When 2 classmates, Casey Becker (Barrymore) and her boyfriend, Steve Orth are brutally murdered by a psychotic killer obsessed with scary movies, Sidney and her friends become targeted. Arquette plays Tatum's older brother, Dewey who's a deputy helping Sidney and Cox plays Gale Weathers, a reporter determined to get a story and free falsely accused man, Cotton Weary (Liev Shreiber) who Sidney thought killed her mother. Sidney realizes she could be wrong about Cotton and everyone is a suspect. This is one of Craven's best that redefined the horror genre featuring a good cast & score. I recommend this.
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It's a scream that they made something this original!
Smells_Like_Cheese13 August 2002
In 1996, when I saw this in the theater, I was expecting to see a predictable movie. That we would just get bored with. But I was wrong. This has to be one of the most clever movies of the 90's. Believe me, this was an awesome thriller. Wes Craven should stick to movies like this,

It had a wonderful cast. Funny lines. Scary moments. Classic horror scenes that will keep you at the edge of your seat. A movie that you'll rewind and want to watch again and again. And after the 50th time you watch it, you'll say, just one more time.

So, if you have good taste, or are looking for something original, watch this film. And get the trilogy DVD set. It's a screamer!

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No shocker and not even a leg shaker
kluseba26 April 2011
When a good friend of mine introduced me this flick as a "classic" of the horror genre I thought he was actually joking. I had never watched this movie because it seemed rather bad and stereotypical to me and when my friend convinced me to give it a try and when I heard that a new fourth part has come out I opened my mind and watched the whole trilogy. The first movie was actually about as bad as I expected.

I mean there are tons of great horror movies out there to get discovered like the classics "Nosferatu", "The mummy" and "The Amityville Horror" to only mention a few or even more recent stuff like "Jeepers Creepers", "My little eye" "5150 Elm Street" or the more exotic stuff like "Marebito", "Infection" or "Two sisters" without talking about legendary and eerie series like "Twin Peaks", "X Files" or "Millenium". But the Scream trilogy is amongst the worst stuff I have ever seen. Even other overrated and popular stuff like "I know what you did last summer", "Final destination" or "Resident Evil" is fairly better executed. I really don't know why this fairly overrated American slasher crap and fast food cinema is actually so popular. Even the parodies of this movie in the "Scary Movie" series are more intriguing than the original.

Well, the movie is at least very entertaining and you tend to watch it until the end to know who is the murderer. I must admit that I bet on the wrong guy and that the ending quite surprised me but when I thought that I finally found a positive point, the final conclusion is so superficial and ridiculous that the surprise factor is already erased once again. This movie is simply made to entertain and switch your brain off and from that point of view, you get an average junk food flick but I really ask myself why there are already three follow ups of this mediocre movie until now.

I know that the movie itself parodies some horror movie flicks and doesn't take itself too serious and I really laughed a few times but the path between humour and ridiculous dumbness is very small in this movie. The dialogues are horrible, the acting is mostly wooden and distant, the scarface killer rushes into every opened door like a retarded fool and is simply embarrassing, the killing scenes are quite predictable and as soon as an intriguing and suspenseful atmosphere is established, a stupid comedy scene scraps it all. The movie doesn't seem to know if it rather tends to be a parody, a suspense or a horror flick and tries desperately to be all of this at the same time. That creates a potpourri that seems at least interesting and fresh for the first third of the movie but the originality factor is simply used after a while and neither the characters nor the scenario nor the overall atmosphere are able to grip me and keep me hanging on for the last two thirds.

This movie is simply made to be watched as a teenager with a couple of friends and some beers. It's a fast food party movie but for any horror movie or suspense flick maniac, this movie may be of a very low interest.
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Thrilling, refreshing horror tale
freakstar6718 April 2000
Watching this film for the first time in the basement of a four story house, with no-one else in was the perfect setting for this film. From the very first scene I was gripped and I could not wait for the climax to discover the murderer and his motives. The script was extremely original, as they had purposely set out to parodie the typical slasher style movie.

It was written in a way that deceived and tricked and had you jumping out of your seats but also laughing at the paradoxical black humour. For anyone looking for a good horror film with a twist, you won't find a better one than Scream.

Overall I give it 9.5/10
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A true scream of a horror classic
TheLittleSongbird15 July 2011
What can I say? Scream is a wonderful film, a classic of its genre and a real scream from start to finish. The production values are excellent with atmospheric photography and settings, Wes Craven's direction is to date one of his best directing jobs, the music is haunting and the sound effects unsettling. The acting from Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox and David Arquette is top notch, and GhostFace as a character is iconic. What struck me as truly impressive about Scream was its originality, the story is fresh and while there are some funny lines, there are some genuinely scary, jump-out-of-your-seat moments too. Overall, brilliant. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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Enjoyed it a lot more than expected...
ajs-1028 May 2011
I have been recently reading a lot of reviews of the latest film in this series, Scream 4. Now, for one reason or another I have never seen any of the 'Scream' films before… well not all the way through anyway. Time to change that I thought and so here we are with the first one, Scream. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would, it doesn't take itself all that seriously and there's an awful lot more humour than I expected.

We open with a mysterious voice calling up a girl called Casey, who is home alone about to watch a scary movie. She tries to blow him off but he is persistent and eventually begins to creep her out. Things don't end too well for Casey, or her boyfriend, Steve, after a masked assailant has finished with them. We then switch to another girl, Sidney, her mother had been murdered almost a year ago and her father is about to leave on a business trip. All the talk the next day at school is about the murder and on returning home Sidney receives a call from a man with a mysterious voice. She isn't so easily scared, but still she is attacked by the same masked assailant. Having fought him off, her boyfriend, Billy turns up just before Deputy Dewey. Having found a cell phone on him, Dewey arrests Billy and Sidney goes to stay the night with Dewey's sister, Tatum. As time goes by the bodies begin to mount up and this attracts the media, particularly ambitious reporter, Gale Weathers. It's only a matter of time before Sidney is to be the next on the list, and anyway, there's a score to settle and an awful lot of suspects.

This made a refreshing change for me, a horror film that doesn't take itself too seriously but at the same time has all the scares and shocks of a more serious one. I liked it! Decent performances all round; Neve Campbell did a good job as Sidney, as did Skeet Ulrich as Billy. Also of note were Courteney Cox as Gale Weathers, David Arquette as Deputy Dewey and Matthew Lillard as Stuart. Also nice cameos from Drew Barrymore as Casey, Wes Craven very briefly appeared as Fred the Janitor and Henry Winkler as Principal Arthur Himbry.

There is a great soundtrack too, including an interesting acoustic rendition of 'Don't Fear the Reaper' when Sidney and Billy are first seen on screen together (very nicely done). I suspect, unfortunately, that the other films in the series may not live up to this rather good beginning, but we shall see… If you haven't seen it, it's definitely worth a viewing, even if you're not really a fan of teen horrors (like me)… Final verdict: Recommended.

My Score: 7.5/10
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The little parody that could.
McQualude10 February 2008
I recently watched this again for the first time since it hit theaters. Scream has been parodied and copied so many times the film itself is now a cliché but that doesn't change the brilliance of the original. In some ways Scream is an end cap to the modern slasher sub-genre beginning with Halloween on one end and culminating in Scream. Sure, there have been a number of slashers since but the genre hasn't dominated horror as they did in the two decades following Halloween. Scream isn't terribly original but by capitalizing on that it serves to masterfully sum up the genre and two decades of films before it. Wes Craven, where are you now? Deliver us from Eli Roth and Uwe Boll!
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Send yourself a copy
asda-man25 August 2011
I'm a sucker for a slasher. I even like the bad ones like "Halloween: Resurrection" and "Urban Legends: Final Cut" but to me they're really fun and often have a really cool twist ending. So when an actual good slasher comes along, I'm all over it. As soon as "Scream" starts with its tremendous opening, you know you're in for a really fun and interesting film with originality. "Scream" ticks all the boxes and is probably the best slasher film ever!

Wes Craven's known for his "Nightmare on Elm St.", "The Hills Have Eyes" and such. All have been OK, but I think Wes has really found his place in the teen slasher genre. He makes it fun and original with the help of the excellent writers who are actually really clever at creating irony plus funny lines and characters.

The thing that holds a slasher together is its characters and "Scream" has really memorable characters. Courtney Cox is a delight as the originally annoying TV presenter that eventually turns into someone who we actually really like. David Arquette is also really funny as Deputy Dewey the policeman. In fact the whole cast is brilliantly fun, including Matthew Lillard who is suitably hammy as the friend of the group.

Aside from the memorable characters and sharp wit, "Scream" is also really exciting and suspenseful. There's even a chase scene that lasts a good 15 minutes. A rarity where nowadays its a quick 2 second chase in the woods. The cinematography and camera movements are also really interesting. The camera sometimes has this dream-like quality to it that suits the film really well. "Scream" never gets dull, it's tense and exciting right up to the shocking end twist that really fulfills your expectations.

"Scream" grasps you by the throat from the minute it starts and doesn't let go. It's memorable and really exciting fun. If you're a fan of slashers like me then "Scream" should be at the top of your list. The sequels are quite good as well, especially the incredible latest instalment "Scream 4" that is probably on par with this incredible original. Horror fans should also really appreciate the references to classic horror films throughout the film. Don't answer the phone, don't open the door, just go onto ebay and click "buy it now!"
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Well worth a watch..
Wes Craven has been contributing to the horror genre for years, with films such as the Hills have eyes, Swamp thing and Nightmare on Elm street. All of these films which have over the years become classics and help inspire the horror films of today. So where does Scream fit in? Is it another Wes Craven classic? Well to perfectly honest, yes! I was never a great fan of horror films, I always found that their plots were too predictable, but scream changed all that. It takes the horror genre we all know, and turns it upside down. This is done by an exciting and unpredictable plot which was excellently portrayed by such people as Neve Campbell, Skeet Ulrich and Matthew Lillard, who each added a certain something to the already brilliant storyline. With one of the most memorable and sinister faces from the big screen, it has struck fear into the hearts of many since day one. Wes Craven has done it again...
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"Scream" does not seem like the kind of...
survivor16 August 1998
"Scream" does not seem like the kind of movie that could make you appreciate American cinema. If you haven't seen it, then you're probably viewing it as just another silly slasher flick that creates more laughs than scares. On the contrary. This movie IS filled with plenty of scares and satirizes the horror genre in a way that literally has turned this film into a masterpiece. I guarantee you that while you may not love it (it nearly was rated NC-17 for its intense violence), you'll be highly amused by this one. A-
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The movie that truly revolutionized the slasher genre.
leoxatzian5 April 2019
While at first it might look like another one of the many mindless bloodbaths dominating the slasher genre, giving it a watch will quickly reveal that this horror flick by director Wes Craven is far from being your typical uninspired slasher movie. No matter what your opinion is about slasher movies, there is no denying that "Scream" successfully manages to captivate it's audience with it's suspenseful directing, entertaining characters, interesting ideas, cleverly written plot and self aware sense of humour.
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What is your favourite scary movie?
freemantle_uk1 July 2011
By the 1990s the Slasher genre was becoming stale, filled with clichés, countless sequels and very predictable and uninventive. Likely two men was able to play on this, Kevin Williamson and Wes Craven was able to play on this and made a really excellent take on Slashers.

In the small town of Woodsboro two teenagers (Drew Barrymore and Kevin Patrick Walls) are shockingly murdered, a year after a woman was raped and murdered in the town centre. Very quickly the town is thrown into turmoil, with the media reporting on it, but the teens do not seem to be worried. The killer, known as Ghost-face soon targets another Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell), the daughter of a victim, who luckily escapes. But Ghost-face is going to rest and goes on a mission to take down Sidney and anyone who stands in his way.

Scream works because it is set in a world where horror movies do exist and teenagers know clichés. It is a self-aware horror film and has a lot of references to classic horror films like Halloween. Scream is forced to be inventive and Craven who is a master of the horror genre, so knew what he was doing with this film.

Even if Scream was not made with a post-modern, self-aware horror with a comic edge, it still would have been an excellent horror film and one of the best slashers around. Craven and Williamson made sure their characters were fully developed, likable or at least normal. Sidney is a character with a lot of a baggage because of her mother's death and afraid to get close to people. She is a likable because is a friendly, smart, decent girl who is also tough. Sidney's friend Tatum (Rose McGowan) was tough no-nonsense girl who could have easily been the clichéd slut role, but that was avoided because she was a good friend and competent. Courteney Cox plays a unpleasant journalist who cares more ratings and book sales more then safety of people and emotional harm. She is not a journalist who is looking to report the truth or for the public interest. But she does come good at the end. The characters of Randy (Jamie Kennedy) and Stuart (Matthew Lillard) offer a lot of comic relief particular because of their knowledge of horror films. And David Arquettte is solid as a competent police officer who has a typical brother-sister relationship with Tatum.

Cavern made sure Scream was exciting with a lot of action, violence and creative deaths. I particular like his technique of using the camera to follow the victims and move it around the house, adding excitement and intrigue. He knows how to build suspects and he does keep you guessing. I don't get scared watching horror films but you do care for Sidney and the idea of being home alone at night can make you more tense.

I do have a criticism. They does not seem to be much of a reaction at the school hearing about two of their peers being brutally murdered. Most people seem to be very causal about it and saw it as something fun, not worried about a serial killer being on the loose or just saw it as an excuse for a party. Come on, if they was a murder in a small town there would be more sadden, grief and worry. Personally I would have focused on this collective reaction, but I am a more serious person and possibly would have a thriller/a social piece.

Overall, Scream is certainly a worthy horror film, no manner what generation of horror fan you are.
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If you are looking for cleverly crafted thriller Scream is most definitely for you.
imanialyse3 December 2015
Scream is often disregarded as just another cheesy slasher film to those who have not seen it, or are not a fan of the horror genre. Though yes Scream is considered a slasher film it marks something different for the horror slasher genre. I admit I entered watching this film with an expectation of slasher trademarks, bad acting, easy kills, bad decisions made by the main characters, a masked killer. Let me say I was more than pleasantly surprised by the artistry in this film in comparison to its predecessors such as Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Street. Wes Craven has been credited with the classic film direction for Nightmare on Elm, but Scream takes you to another level of creativity. With a sense of mystery as well as the gore of a slasher it makes for an enjoyable experience.

The movie acts as an interesting double narrative, allowing the watcher to become invested in a murder mystery, while also getting a commentary on prior slasher film conventions. Characters are found making direct references to previous slashers sometimes even making fun of them. There are also several visual tricks used in reference to past films. One of the easiest ones to pick up on is one of the characters in Scream Billy's striking resemblance to Johnny Depps character in, you guessed it, Nightmare on Elm Street. There are also several other little nuances lovers of classic horror can pick up on , from cameos to name similarities.

If you are looking for cleverly crafted thriller Scream is most definitely for you. It is a movie that continuously keeps you guessing with just the right amount of jump scares and red herrings. The twist ending will leave you wondering what clues you may have missed even prompting you to watch again. I know I would.
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I screamed alright.
Egg_MacGuffin1 June 2005
I screamed because of how bad this movie is.

We'll start with Wes Craven. The guy made one good movie in his whole career...A Nightmare On Elm Street. And even that could have been twice as good as it is. This is just more generic crap from the Craven factory.

Second, the writer. Kevin Williamson. I think that's his name. I'm not going to look it up either because he doesn't deserve it. Not only did he write this horrible piece of crap, but he also wrote I Know What You Did Last Summer (AKA Prom Night the remake). The only good thing about that was the possibility for a spoof called I Forget What You Did Last Summer. But enough of that crap (literally), let's get back to Scream.

The movie starts with a carbon-copy of the opening of When A Stranger Calls (which was fifty times scarier than everything Williamson and Craven did put together twice). Then we get into the actual movie, which is just constant references to other horror films.

My main gripe with this movie is not the writing or directing...but the characters. All of them. We literally have NO reason to care about ANY of them. Rose McGowan is nice to look at, but that's as far as it goes. But the worst is the actual killer himself. I know they were trying to break the invincible horror movie killer cliché intentionally, but they went WAY too far. This guy falls over at the drop of a hat! Instead of being totally indestructible, he's just plain clumsy. And why on Earth was he dressed up in his disguise while at the grocery store in broad daylight? And when the identity of the killer is finally revealed, it's really no shock considering he did absolutely nothing for the whole film, not to mention that he has no motive except for some little soap-opera bullcrap that we're just supposed to believe. It doesn't come as any type of shock at all.

Is this movie horror, or comedy? It tries to be both but never goes far enough in either direction and just ends up being neither funny nor frightening. Williamson and Craven think that referencing great horror movies means that theirs will be great, too. All that did was remind me of how awesome a movie like Halloween is and how pathetic this tripe is.

But the worst to come out of this movie is actually it's influence on other horror films to come. The fresh teen cast, all featured on the cover art in the same exact fashion as this movie. If you're ever at the video store and see a box cover that mimics that of Scream's cover...just walk away. Because honestly...what Scream-influenced movie was even halfway decent? None.

Scream is anti-horror. It's everything that a horror movie should NOT be. Fresh teen cast, bright cinematography, clumsy/harmless killer, fast-cut editing, banal directing, forgettable action movie score, references to other horror movies, too much comedy, unbelievable sequences, characters that we have no reason to care for, and to top it all spawned countless imitators that were even worse! Do yourself a favor...don't watch this. Watch something great instead. Something like Rosemary's Baby.
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The perfect movie to SCREAM about!!!
sspufan29 November 2011
This movie is truly an American horror classic, and I can guarantee that it will continue to be such for decades to come. The movie is a landmark in film making, considering the fact that it redefined and entire film genre! Scream is smart, funny, and suspenseful all at the same time, which gives the movie the perfect taste for anyone who wants to see a scary and satisfying horror sensation. I remember being so terrified by the Scream mask when I was little. I think I first saw the mask on TV when I was 2 and I was terrified of it, and I nearly peed my pants when I first watched the movie at the age of 6. Scream is the scariest movie that I have ever seen, and along with that, it is the best movie that I have ever seen. It has characters that are easy to connect with and love, especially Sidney Prescott. It is a very enjoyable movie, along with the other 3 in the series so far. I recommend this movie to everyone. It is a true horror phenomenon!
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